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The Ability Toolbox is a community created by and for people with disabilities, chronic illnesses, and mental health conditions. Here, our voices are centered and our collective wisdom is valued.

u003cbru003eLiving with a Disability or Mental Illness Is Complicated

  • Getting Help Is Hard

    Navigating health care and support programs is a nightmare

  • The World Isn’t Accessible or Sensory-Friendly

    You have to find creative ways to do everyday tasks

  • People Don’t Understand

    You’re sick of being told “You don’t look sick” or “just get over it”

  • Your Path to Success Is Winding

    Housing, employment, and relationships can be challenging

  • You Feel Alone

    It’s hard to find people like you to talk to

What You’ll Find in The Ability Toolbox

  • Free Support and Resources

    Living while disabled is expensive, so our content is free.

  • Practical Solutions

    Find solutions to everyday problems and share your knowledge to help others.

  • Diverse Disabled Voices

    Our community is intersectional and inclusive of BIPOC and LGBTQ+ voices.

  • Activism and Advocacy

    We amplify the power of disabled voices to drive change in healthcare, government policy, the media, and beyond.

  • Disabled-Owned Community

    We are a small social enterprise, not a corporation run by able-bodied people.

Learn From People Like You

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The Ability Toolbox
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