How to Encourage Children to Try New Things and Be Adventurous

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Parenting is easier said than done. Knowing what's best for your kids can be tricky, and some parents try to push them according to their preferences.  However, encouraging children to try new things is essential for their growth and development. Trying new activities and experiences can help them develop confidence, creativity, and independence.

Children can sometimes be resistant to trying new things, especially if they feel scared or unsure. As a parent or caregiver, it's important to create a supportive environment that motivates your kids to step out of their comfort zone. In this guide, we will explore several ways to encourage children to try new adventures, help them overcome their fears, and be successful in life. 

1. Help your kids let go of their fear of failure. 

Fear of failure can hold children back from trying new things and taking risks. As a parent or caregiver, it's important to help your child understand that failure is not a negative thing, but rather a natural part of the learning process. Encourage them to see mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow, and help them to develop a growth mindset.

One way to help your child let go of their fear of failure is to provide a supportive environment where they feel safe to explore and experiment. Encourage them to take small steps towards their goals and celebrate their progress along the way. Remind them that mistakes and setbacks are normal and that they can always try again.

Another way to help your child overcome their fear of failure is to lead by example. Show them how you handle mistakes and failures in a positive way, and talk to them about your own experiences with trying new things. This can help them see that everyone struggles at times, and that it's OK to make mistakes.

Finally, it's important to help your child set realistic expectations and goals. Great things take time, and it's important to emphasize that progress and growth come from consistent effort and perseverance.

Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb, had a famous saying, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”

Great things take time, but the rewards are worth it. 

2. Give children encouragement to learn new things.

Talk to your kids and encourage them to learn new things. These things don't have to be bigger in magnitude. Small things can make a huge difference. 

Encouraging children to learn new things is an important part of their development. By learning new skills and knowledge, children can expand their horizons and develop a sense of curiosity and creativity that can serve them well throughout their lives. As a parent or caregiver, there are many ways you can support your child's learning and encourage them to try new things.

One way to give children encouragement to learn new things is to talk to them about their interests and encourage them to pursue their passions. This can help them develop a sense of purpose and motivation, and can also help them to see the value in learning new things.

Try to find activities and projects that your child is interested in and that they can work on independently. This can help them build confidence and self-motivation, as well as foster a sense of independence and self-reliance.

Encourage your child to create a daily diary or journal where they can record what they have learned each day. This can help them to reflect on their progress and develop a sense of pride and accomplishment.

By giving your child encouragement and support, you can help them to develop a lifelong love of learning and a curiosity for new experiences and knowledge. Whether it's through independent projects, organized classes, or simply exploring their interests, there are many ways to encourage children to learn and grow.

3. Celebrate your child's achievements.

It is important to celebrate your kids' success. By recognizing and acknowledging their hard work and accomplishments, you can help your child feel valued and appreciated, which can encourage them to continue striving towards their goals and overcoming their fears.

It can also be the easiest way to motivate them. For example, your niece has won a debate competition at her school. You can celebrate her success by getting some thoughtful niece gifts. Moreover, promise to give her more gifts if she scores good marks on her final exams. Rewards can provide a lot of encouragement and act as fuel to help children stay charged and strive to accomplish more.

Another way to celebrate your child's achievements is to create a special ritual or tradition that you can do together after they accomplish something important. This could be anything from going out for ice cream to having a family movie night. By making it a special occasion, you can help your child feel even more proud and accomplished.

When your child succeeds, especially at doing something they found scary in the past, create a display or showcase for their accomplishments. This could be a bulletin board in their room, a photo album or scrapbook, or even a digital portfolio. By creating a tangible record of their achievements, you can help your child see their progress over time and feel proud of what they have accomplished.

Finally, it's important to celebrate your child in a way that is meaningful to them. Ask them what they would like to do and try to honor their preferences as much as possible. This can help them feel empowered and motivated to continue working towards their goals.

4. Listen to your child.

Communication is an essential component of fostering a child's growth and development. By listening to your child, you can gain valuable insight into their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, which can help you better understand their needs and interests.

Encourage communication with your child by creating an open and supportive environment where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings with you. This can be achieved by actively listening to them, asking open-ended questions, and responding with empathy and understanding.

Set aside dedicated time for one-on-one conversations with your child. This could be a weekly check-in, a daily chat before bedtime, or any other time that works for both of you. By prioritizing this time together, you can create a strong bond with your child and foster a sense of trust and openness.

It's important to provide your child with words of encouragement and inspiration. Let them know that you believe in them and their abilities, and encourage them to pursue their passions and try new things. This can help build their confidence and self-esteem, and can also help them develop a positive attitude toward learning and growth. Affirmation cards can be a useful tool to teach your kids to practice self-love and self-care daily as part of their routine.

5. Don't push your child too far.

Supporting your child's risk-taking ability is essential. However, you should be careful not to push too far. You want your kids to have positive experiences attempting new things so they won't grow even more risk-averse.

Let your child take brief breaks to regather and refocus on the difficult work rather than pushing them over their imagined boundaries. Short rest periods will help your kids feel more relaxed and at ease, which will improve their ability to rebound after a setback. It will also help them to avoid or manage their anxiety

Give your child recovery times during which they can do things they enjoy, which will divert their mind from mental fatigue, anxiety, and stress. 

6. Promote goal setting for your child.

When children set goals for themselves, they learn how to focus their efforts and develop a plan of action for reaching their objectives.

To promote goal setting for your child, you can start by helping them identify their interests and passions. Encourage them to think about what they want to achieve in the short-term and long-term, and help them break down their goals into smaller, achievable steps.

Setting and achieving goals can help children develop important life skills such as perseverance, problem-solving, and time management. By setting goals and working towards them, children learn how to overcome obstacles and develop a growth mindset that will serve them well throughout their lives.

7. Don't overburden your child with too many activities.

Sometimes kids may seem to be doing great in studies, sports, and extracurricular activities, but they're anxious at other times. This is a sign that you're overburdening them. You don't need to be a helicopter parent or micromanage every aspect of your child's life for them to be successful. In fact, it could have the opposite effect.  

Allowing your child to have some autonomy and independence is important for their development and well-being. Overburdening them with too many activities or pushing them too hard can lead to burnout, stress, and anxiety. It's important to strike a balance between supporting and guiding your child while also allowing them to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes.

Encourage your child to pursue activities they enjoy and let them take the lead in deciding how much they want to take on. Remember, success looks different for every child, and what's important is that they feel fulfilled and happy with their achievements. By giving them space to grow and learn at their own pace, you can help them develop the confidence and resilience they need to thrive.


Children experience uncertainty, vulnerability, helplessness, and anxiety under difficult circumstances, and it all happens due to fear. As a result, many kids steer clear of the strange. They would instead rather not take the chance of trying anything new, which could result in missed opportunities and create a negative pattern that could last into adulthood. 

Because of their fears and timidity, they may grow up to wonder how much they missed out on. If you were in the same situation, you wouldn't want this to happen to you. But by giving your child encouragement and support, you can help them to develop a lifelong love of new experiences and adventures. 


Image by jhenning from Pixabay

Alice Turing
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I'm Alice and I live with a dizzying assortment of invisible disabilities, including ADHD and fibromyalgia. I write to raise awareness and end the stigma surrounding mental and chronic illnesses of all kinds. 

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