Attending college is a big decision to make and it’s a critical phase of life that many people are encouraged to pursue. If you're a student with a disability, ...
These children's books depict characters with Down syndrome accurately in entertaining stories that encourage respect and inclusion. I grew up with my younger ...
The National Down Syndrome Congress estimates that one in every 700 U.S. children is born with this chromosomal genetic condition that can affect both ...
If you are a small business owner, blogger, or social media influencer who lives with a chronic illness, mental health condition, and/or disability, you’re ...
Unless you live under a rock, you've probably seen or heard about Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, which is currently #1 on Netflix in the U.S., with over ...
Deafness and music shouldn’t really go together but they do! OK, hear me out before you descend into wails of despair at the lack of awareness. I am a ...
Non-verbal communication and behavior are two of the most problematic aspects of teaching and counseling people who were born with total or partial blindness. ...
Board games and card games are loved by people of all ages and social backgrounds and there is a good reason for that -- they are great tools for learning, ...
So you've just found out you're going blind or have permanent vision loss. What do you do now? Coping with vision loss is a new experience for most people, as ...
If you are living with complete or partial vision loss, it can seem challenging to stay physically active. The good news is that vision loss doesn’t have to ...
If you or someone close to you is living with total blindness or low vision, you are probably familiar with the device called a long white cane. This article ...
Children's books about disabilities and differences used to be rare, but are becoming more popular. Kids need to learn about all kinds of diversity so they can ...