Disability Support & Advice from Peer Experts
Should I Buy a Wheelchair Out-of-Pocket or Use Insurance?

If you have a disability or you're aging and need help getting around, you may be considering using a wheelchair. Many people immediately assume their health ...

How to Get Your Health Insurance to Pay for a Power Wheelchair

These tips can help you get your health insurance to pay for a power wheelchair so you can enjoy greater mobility and independence. In this guide, written by a ...

Making Sense of Power Wheelchair Groups and Insurance Classifications

If you're a power wheelchair user, or you're considering getting an electric wheelchair for yourself or someone you love, chances are you'll have to interact ...

Types of Electric Wheelchairs: Which One Is Right for You?

If you’re trying to decide which kind of power wheelchair is right for your needs, you're in the right place! So many people just accept whatever the medical ...

7 Signs You May Need a Power Wheelchair

Power wheelchairs are an essential mobility aid for millions of people with disabilities worldwide. Whether you're going grocery shopping, spending time with ...

Guitar Student with Disabilities and His Teacher Learn From Each Other

When musician E.J. Simpson learned that he would be giving Duncan Haines, a student with disabilities, guitar lessons six years ago at Danny’s Guitar Shop in ...

An Introduction to Different Types of Prosthetics for Amputees

If you're an amputee, understanding the types of prosthetics can help you choose a device that matches your life, personality, and needs. In this guide, we ...

Social Inclusion and Disability: Breaking Down Barriers

In the quest for a society that values every individual, we must confront the challenges faced by people with disabilities in achieving true social inclusion. ...

What Is Ableism? Understanding Disability Discrimination & Prejudice

If you or someone you care about has a disability, you've probably experienced or witnessed ableism. Here's what you need to know about it, and what you can do ...

How Systemic Ableism Is Built Into Society, and What We Can Do About It

If you or someone you care about has a disability, you've probably quickly figured out that the world wasn't built with disabled people in mind. In fact, it ...

What Is Internalized Ableism? Tips for Overcoming Self-Stigma

If you're a disabled person who feels shame about your condition and struggles to ask for help or advocate for your rights, you may be battling one of the ...

Let’s Bust These 6 Disability Myths That Are at the Root of Ableism

Ableism -- prejudice against people with disabilities -- is rooted in disability myths and historical stigmas, some of which date back hundreds or thousands of ...

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