Numerous people are living with at least some degree of hearing loss. Experts believe that it affects about 48 million Americans to one extent or another, though the actual figures could be far higher than expected. Unfortunately, only about 2 percent of adults routinely have their hearing tested.
Many people feel that their hearing difficulties aren't severe enough to schedule a professional evaluation. Others admit that they're a bit afraid to undergo a professional hearing test. Some simply struggle to work hearing tests into their busy schedules and tight budgets. If you're considering an online hearing test, here's what you should know to decide if it's the right option for you.
Online Hearing Tests
Online hearing tests have become widely available from trusted hearing aids stores, audiology practices, and other providers. They give people the opportunity to test their hearing at home in comfort and privacy. That's a nice option, but are online hearing tests any good? Consider some of their benefits and disadvantages.
Advantages of Online Hearing Tests
Online hearing tests offer several advantages. They're convenient because people can take them anytime they like. Anyone who feels they're experiencing hearing loss can perform these tests at home whenever they feel the need. That's only one of their benefits.
Fast Results
Online hearing tests also provide fast results. People receive feedback on their hearing as soon as they finish these evaluations. They don't have to wait to find out the extent of their hearing loss, and these tests can give them insight into whether they may need professional intervention.
Online hearing evaluations also offer affordability. They're often free. That encourages more people to test their hearing. Professional hearing tests can be costly, which is one of the reasons many people put them off.
Drawbacks of Online Hearing Tests
Though online hearing evaluations can be helpful, they also have a few downsides. They're certainly not as thorough or accurate as professional evaluations. They're not performed by trained professionals, and they generally don't cover the full range of hearing difficulties.
No Customization
One of the main disadvantages of online hearing tests is their lack of customization. People experience varying degrees and types of hearing loss. No two people's issues are exactly the same. As such, online hearing tests may not pinpoint everyone's specific hearing difficulties or provide personalized solutions for addressing them.
Inaccurate Results
At the same time, several factors can affect online hearing evaluations and lead to contaminated results. People must find a quiet place to take these tests, and that's not always possible at home. Background noise and distractions can detract from these tests' accuracy. Even the quality of headphones or earbuds a person uses to take an online evaluation could hamper the results.
What's the Bottom Line on Online Hearing Tests?
Online hearing tests are a helpful solution for people who think they may be experiencing hearing loss. They allow people to test their hearing at their own convenience from the comfort of home. They may help allay certain fears for people who are afraid of having evaluations performed by a professional audiologist. They're also a cost-effective option. For all these reasons, online hearing tests can be the key to early detection and intervention. They provide a valuable link between people who are dealing with hearing loss and the professionals who can properly address it.
That being said, online hearing tests aren't an effective substitute for professional evaluations. They're not as thorough or personalized as professional hearing tests, and several factors can affect their accuracy. Although online hearing tests are a helpful first step in detecting and addressing hearing loss, working with a professional audiologist is recommended.
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I'm Alice and I live with a dizzying assortment of invisible disabilities, including ADHD and fibromyalgia. I write to raise awareness and end the stigma surrounding mental and chronic illnesses of all kinds.