User Posts: Henrietta Lockard
27 Horror and Halloween Chronic Illness Gifts for Spooky Spoonies

Ahh, autumn, the season of change, and my favorite holiday -- Halloween! For one night, the veil between this world and the next is thin, and ghosts and ghouls ...

13 Chronic Illness Pins, Stickers, & Patches Spoonies Will Love

Chronic illness pins, stickers, and patches are a way to let the world know where you stand -- without having to take a stand. 'Cause ya know, sometimes we ...

14 Thoughtful & Funny Chronic Illness T-Shirts & Spoonie Clothing

Representation is important, and funny chronic illness t-shirts and sweatshirts are a great way to rep your chronic illness. Remember those angsty teen years ...

9 Ways People with Photosensitivity Can Beat the Heat This Summer

It's that time of year again. Summer is here and with it comes the heat and the sun. While summer can be all about pools, BBQs and the beach, it often brings ...

7 Useful Kitchen Appliances for People With Limited Hand Use

These small kitchen appliances make cooking easier for people with arthritis and disabilities that cause limited hand strength and impair fine motor ...

10 Thoughtful Gifts That Help Relieve Chronic Pain

Chronic pain hurts.  Not just sometimes, but all the time.  There are certain times of year when pain can flare, and it usually has to do with weather, at ...

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