How to Beat an Alcohol Addiction When You Have a Disability

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Beating an alcohol addiction when you have a disability can undoubtedly be challenging, but with time, effort, support, and access to the right services, you can overcome your dependency problem. Here are some of the best methods to help you get and stay sober

Acknowledge the Problem 

The first step in overcoming alcohol addiction is acknowledging the issue. Often, denial can obstruct our ability to view problems head-on. You should also try to understand what sparks your urge to drink. Stress, social pressure, or even entrenched habits may be the cause.

Recognizing these triggers is key if you want to conquer your addiction. So, it is crucial to be completely honest with yourself before starting the road to recovery. 

Seek Professional Help

You do not have to face your problem alone. There are several types of professional help available for alcohol addiction, which are equipped to support you at various stages of your recovery process.

You might consider inpatient care, which offers 24-hour medical and emotional support at a live-in facility. This type of treatment often includes medically managed detox, followed by comprehensive therapy and counseling.

Outpatient care is another option. Treatment is given during the day while you continue to live at home. This kind of structure allows individuals to maintain a presence at work or school as they undergo recovery.

Another essential part of professional deliverance from addiction involves certain types of therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, or family counseling, for instance, can all be crucial components in your journey to overcome alcoholism.

It is best to speak to your doctor or professionals at trusted rehab treatment services, such as those at, to find out more about the different types of treatment that are available and discuss which options would be best for you. With professional guidance and support, you can get a hold of your alcohol addiction and begin the path to recovery. 

Prepare for the Detoxification Phase

Alcohol detoxification is often the initial step of many treatment programs. This phase is about ridding your body of all traces of alcohol. But bear in mind that it should always be undertaken under medical supervision due to potential withdrawal symptoms.

You should be mentally prepared to go through detoxification. Again, a medical professional can assist you in your preparation. 

Cut Off Your Supply

An effective way to combat alcohol dependency, regardless of the course of treatment you pursue, can be as simple as getting rid of all alcoholic beverages in your home and removing yourself from situations in which you are around other people who drink.

Removing immediate access and temptation can be very effective during the initial stages of giving up alcohol.

Use Healthy Coping Mechanisms

During the recovery process, try to replace drinking with healthier coping mechanisms, such as exercising, meditating, practicing mindfulness, or starting a new hobby. Recovery will be easier when you have other ways to manage your stress or fill your spare time. 

Surround Yourself with Support

A strong support system cannot be underestimated in recovery. This could include family, friends, or recovering addicts who you connect with through support groups. They can offer motivation and understanding when the path becomes tough. 

Be Prepared for a Bumpy Journey 

Finally, overcoming addiction is not just about stopping but also maintaining the change long-term. You should prepare for potential relapses during the early stages, but view them as bumps on the road rather than roadblocks. Recovery is a journey. It will take time, patience, and perseverance. So, take it one day at a time.

Alice Turing
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I'm Alice and I live with a dizzying assortment of invisible disabilities, including ADHD and fibromyalgia. I write to raise awareness and end the stigma surrounding mental and chronic illnesses of all kinds. 


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