User Posts: Leif Gregersen
7 Small Steps You Can Take to Fine-Tune Your Mental Health

If you live with a mental illness, taking these seven small steps will help you fine-tune your mental health so you can heal and thrive. 1. See a therapist. ...

6 Ways Writing Can Improve Your Mental Health

I teach a class in creative writing at my local psychiatric hospital. My patients come from many backgrounds and have many diagnoses. But now doing this for ...

7 Things You Can Do to Overcome Anxiety

For most of my 51 years, I have lived with a diagnosis of anxiety. Anxiety is a condition that affects all of us differently. For me, it meant being so afraid ...

How Mindfulness Can Help People with Mental Health Conditions

If you live with a mental health condition, developing a mindfulness practice can become a key part of your healing and wellness, along with medication and ...

6 of the Most Important Things You Can Do to Maintain Good Mental Health

If you live with a mental illness such as schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, or depression, these six tips can help you maintain good mental health ...

Reflections on Turning 50 as Someone with a Mental Illness

It is hard to imagine how far I have come in the second half of my life. I am 50 now, and from the age of 25 to this point in time, I have become a completely ...

6 Key Things You Can Do to Improve Your Mental Health Now

It is so important to understand that despite a mental illness there are still many things you can do with your life. I honestly feel that many people, ...

7 Ways You Can Support Someone Who Has Schizoaffective Disorder

Do you have a friend or family member with a diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder? To begin, I want to explain what schizoaffective disorder is. ...

Why Loneliness Can Be the Hardest Thing to Overcome in Your Mental Health Recovery

When I was 16 and attending high school, depression and loneliness ruled my life. What was baffling was that, in the eyes of people around me, I had everything ...

Finding My Daily Reprieve in Life with Chronic Mental Illness

Life sometimes seems to come down to small moments that open highways of opportunities that can take you almost anywhere. One of these was my last night ...

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