chronic pain
Empowering the Mind-Body Connection: How Neurofunctional Pain Management Offers Pain Relief Without Medication

Living with chronic pain can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of our lives. Traditional pain management often relies on medication to provide relief, ...

Chronic Pain Is a Pain in the You Know What and Getting Help Is Complicated

I am in so much physical and emotional pain that I pretty much do not leave my house. I have been in physical pain most of my life. Sometimes I can cope easily ...

Telemedicine for Chronic Pain in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, society, in general, has been through a lot of changes. Social interactions, for instance, have been reduced to mitigate the ...

5 Things to Help You Sleep When You Have a Chronic Illness

If you have a chronic illness, you probably experience difficulty sleeping. Whether the problem stems from trouble falling asleep because of symptoms such as ...

10 Tips for Hosting a Holiday Gathering When You Live with Chronic Pain

If you live with debilitating chronic pain, the holidays can be hard and the idea of hosting a holiday gathering for your family may seem overwhelming. I know ...

4 Tips That Help Me Cope with Shoulder Limitations

I have been thinking lately about how far I have come in six years of living with shoulder limitations.  Six years ago, I had just stepped down from the ...

10 Thoughtful Gifts That Help Relieve Chronic Pain

Chronic pain hurts.  Not just sometimes, but all the time.  There are certain times of year when pain can flare, and it usually has to do with weather, at ...

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