User Posts: Alisa Michele
Inaccessible Diagnostic Medical Equipment Puts Disabled People at Risk

Inaccessible diagnostic medical equipment such as exam tables, mammogram machines, X-rays, and MRIs can cost lives. Disabled people are not expendable and ...

How Diet Culture Comments Hurt Girl Scouts Selling Cookies

I am currently on the hunt for Samoa cookies sold by the Girl Scouts. I am stuck at home due to ankle surgery and cannot drive. I gave my friends my list of ...

Oprah Is Harming Black Women by Pushing Weight Loss Drugs and Diet Culture

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most famous women in the world. She has also had a very public battle with her body image and weight. She has even categorized her ...

The American Medical Association Is Finally Ditching the Racist BMI

The American Medical Association has finally acknowledged the racist roots of the BMI as a measure of healthy weight. Recently, the AMA released a statement ...

Studies Show Medical AI Is Racist. As a Black Woman, This Terrifies Me.

As a Black woman, medical AI scares me, and research indicates I should be afraid. When I go to the doctor, I expect to encounter a very knowledgeable ...

Stop Posting Pictures of Fat People’s Stomachs with Our Heads Cut Off

News stories about the obesity crisis commonly feature pictures of fat people with their heads cut off. I presume to shield us from shame. As if cutting off ...

Can the Strong Black Woman Be Sick Too and Deserving of Rest?

The Strong Black Woman trope is the expectation that the ideal Black woman should act with emotional restraint, independence, and in caretaking roles. When we ...

When Your Father Isn’t Someone to Celebrate on Father’s Day

Here we are celebrating Father's Day, another holiday that honors a parent or father figure. Everyone is abuzz about cards, photo shoots, gifts, family meals, ...

My Queer Family Is Under Attack for Just Being Who We Are

My family is under attack by the very people charged with protecting us and our mental health is in jeopardy. I uniquely have a very queer family. We have two ...

How It Feels to Be a Birth Mom on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is always sad for me. I have bipolar and PTSD, so in 2005, I asked my psychiatric nurse, my therapist, and my OB-GYN if it was OK for me to have a ...

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